Tuesday, June 21, 2016

SMB email

Page one: Perfect. 

Page two:
    Nadira: What are you doing here? The Moon-Queen has only given me permission to access the gateways! Now, you may have lost me her favor. State your business or be beheaded!

Page three:
    BD: Victor Frankenstein has created something to bypass your precious gateways. You're the only one who can help me stop him.

    Nadira: Then Victor Frankenstein.... MUST DIE!!

Page Four:

    Inspector Yi: We are not yet prepared to release Dr. Frankenstein into your custody. We need more time. 

    Moon-Queen: You WILL bring me both prototypes, as well as the doctor. 

   Dark Stranger: Surely this technology was meant for our people! 

   Inspector Yi: My government doesn't see it that way seeing as how this "portal engine" was discovered on our world.

   Moon-Queen: If the humans are to use it, then the repercussions will be disastrous. It belongs in our care. 

  Moon-Queen (thought to DS) : As for you, you and your people are NOT the stewards of the pathways!

  Dark Stranger (thought to MQ): How could you keep this from us?!

Page Five: Perfect
Page Six: Perfect
Page Seven: Perfect

Page Eight: 
     Sibley: No visitors! The master is celebrating his birthday!

   Western Spy: Look, we're all dead if you don't let us in right now!

   Inspector Yi: We are speaking of UNIVERSAL proportions, miss. 

   Sibley: I said..... NO VISITORS!!!

Page Nine: 

    Alex: I have traveled quite some ways to meet the master of this villa. It is said that I must speak to the Mistress of this teahouse. 

   Waiter: Ah... it's the master's centennial. Mistress Sibley has declared it a holiday. She and the Master are not to be disturbed. 
   Alex: Oh, he'll see me, I'm sure. We're very close. Practically brothers. 

   Waiter: This Mistress said NO VISITORS!!!

Page Ten and Eleven: Perfect.

Page Twelve: 

      Alex: You've made quite a little mess, Victor. As usual. No matter, I'm here to help clean it up. Like always. 

     Victor: I'm sorry, who are you? A former lab assistant? Vengeful suitor? Sullen maiden? Whoever you are, I'm not impressed. 

     Alex: You don't understand, Victor. I'm you, only better. 

     Victor: Wha---?

    Alex: I hear you have something you can't control, and I may just have the answer to your problems.

   Alex: Happy Birthday.

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