Wednesday, October 21, 2015

FiC: Tropes

Set (initially) in Wulin, the Warrior's Forest.
After a brief prologue in a Semi-Rich Sub-Provincial Coastal City.
General setting appears to be Yunnan or Dali, around 1870.
The Warrior's Forest region will be a beautiful area, full of many lakes and rivers.
The Honorable Warriors who live in the region wil be scattered widely, for the land is torn without and within.
Even so, beset by Cultic Conspiracies and Foreign Steampunk Devils, they fight all evil.
These Brave Individuals will battle Bandits and Warlords, Gwailo/Lofan Mechanized Warbots and Crazed Magic Fighters.
Fighters, monks, knights, beggars, thieves, princesses, priests, merchants, craftsmen and healers may become outlaws.
Driven by bonds of honor, loyalty, love and hate, between individuals and institutions, we puppets dance to our fates.
These noble characters operate outside of the unjust laws, corrupt and ineffective government.
They settle differences by force, moderated only by their noble code.
This is the Science-Fantasy story of Frankenstein as the Xianxia, the Immortal Hero.
He is pursuing Taoist Immortality Formulas, without fully understanding their implicit meanings.
Several characters will be using Full-Contact Magical Science to instruct him toward the True Path.
Fantastic elements, as such, will be quite overt, as in ubiquitous and readily evident.
Academy of Evil: Raddak, Rubro and Hadazsp will be plotting against Frankenstein.
Action Girl: Every. Single. One. Victrix. Abraxia. Hadazsp. Bamboo Dancer.
Alas, Poor Villain: Which world-conquering Evil Genius will have a chance to mourn which?
Ambition Is Evil: This is the Frankenstein story, in one trope.
To Be A Master: The master trope of the Frankenstein story, is it not?
Arrogant Kung Fu Guy: Everybody. Even Frankenstein gets some Steampunk Evil Medic/Evil Doctor/Badass Surgeon moves.
Ax-Crazy: Also, cleaver, bone saw, scalpel, etc.
Badass Princess: Abraxia, who takes after Hadazsp. Victrix, Frankenstein's Daughter. Even Bamboo Dancer, we suspect.
Bare-Fisted Monk: Mad Monk Drunk Monkey.
Bastard Understudy: Frankenstein himself, if we believe the Promethean. Abraxia? Victrix? Bamboo Dancer?
Battle Couple: Frankenstein and Queen Hadazsp, eventually. Silver Arm & Bamboo Dancer. Abraxia and the Promethean?
Blood Brothers: Silver Arm and Golden Lion. Frankenstein and the Promethean, in a way.
Byronic Hero: Par Excellence (Frankenstein, Dakkar, Rubro, Hadazsp, even Kaddej K'arz)
Calling Your Attacks: Called out in a video game way, or the traditional methods (bystander, teacher, narrator)
Cast From Hit Points: What story could be more about Life Energy?
Cast From Lifespan: As above.
Charles Atlas Superpower: Frankenstein has been training since boyhood for this.
Chick Magnet: Frankenstein as played by Cushing had a way with the ladies.
Clothing Combat: The better types of Internal Kung Fu use the opponent's own garb to defeat him.
Conflicting Loyalty: Frankenstein and the Promethean. And Hadazsp. And Raddak. And Rubro. Hadazsp and Abraxia. Etc.
Cool Old Guy: Mad Monk Drunk Monkey. Frankenstein the Undying himself, in a way.
Dangerous Forbidden Technique: The entire story is about Dangerous Forbidden Techniques.
Dark Action Girl: Every. Single. One. Victrix. Abraxia. Hadazsp. Even Bamboo Dancer, if it comes to it.
The Dark Arts: The Frankenstein tale is all about The Dark Arts. Prometheus as the Necromancer.
The Dark Side: Frankenstein has shown his many times, in his quest to live forever and discover the Secret of Life Itself.
Deadly Upgrade: The Promethean has undergone this many times, and will again at the climax of the story.
Deceptive Disciple: Frankenstein? The Promethean? Abraxia? Victrix? Bamboo Dancer?
Dragons Up the Yin Yang: Pi-Hsieh. Qilin. Tian Lu. Pi Ya. Leviathan, as Kraken/Draken/Drake/Wyvern/Basilisk/Hydra.
Driven By Envy: Frankenstein assumes anyone who opposes him is experiencing this.
Dueling Dojos: Frankenstein vs. Raddak vs. Rubro vs. Hadazsp vs. Keddaj K'arz. Bamboo Dancer/Drunk Monk vs. Golden Lion.
Everybody Was Kung Fu Fighting: Even Frankenstein, especially his Creature, the Aliens, His Daughter. Everybody.
Evil Chancellor: Abraxia? Victrix?
Evil Former Friend: Frankenstein or The Promethean? Rubro?
Foe Yay: Aplenty. Dating Catwoman. Well, Excuse Me, Princess! Villainous Crush.
A God Am I: Frankenstein's Fatal Flaw.
Gun Fu: Western Spy. Frankenstein. The Sky-Amazons of Venus. The Ghost Giants of Mars.
Happily Married: Keddaj K'arz, High-King of the Ghost Giants, Grand Warlord of the Blue Men of Mars
Heir to the Dojo: Frankenstein, Son of the Promethean? Victrix, His Grandest Creation? Bamboo Dancer? Abraxia?
Heroic Sacrifice: All the time. In surprising circumstances, as well as astonishing regularity.
Honor Before Reason: Silver Arm. Bamboo Dancer. Frankenstein himself, at times. Keddaj K'arz, quite often.
Implausible Fencing Powers: Silver Arm but also Golden Lion, Bamboo Dancer, Victrix Odenwald, Hadazsp, Abraxia, etc.
Important Haircut: Every Chinese character, but also the non-Chinese ones as well.
Improvised Weapon: Mad Monk Drunk Monkey and Bamboo Dancer especially, and by all of the others as well.
In A Single Bound: Everyone, but especially the Promethean, Drunk Monkey, Bamboo Dancer, Hadazsp, Abraxia.
Instant Expert: Frankenstein is able to use the tech of Raddak, Rubro and the Sky-Amazons almost immediately.
Interesting Situation Duel: Our entire raison d'etre.
Ki Attacks: Mad Monk Drunk Monkey. Bamboo Dancer. The Promethean. The Sky-Amazons of Venus.
Knight Errant: Frankenstein. The Promethean. Silver Arm. Golden Lion. Drunk Monkey. Raddak. Rubro. Bamboo Dancer.
Kung Fu Sonic Boom: Kaiju Kung Fu leads to many of these.
Kung Fu Wizard: Frankenstein. The Promethean. Drunk Monkey. Bamboo Dancer. Hadazsp. Abraxia. Keddaj K'arz.
Lady of War AND White Mage: Bamboo Dancer
Lonely at the Top: Isn't is, Frankenstein?
Love Dodecahedron: Silver Arm. Bamboo Dancer. Golden Lion. Abraxia. Frankenstein. Hadazsp. The Promethean.
Love Triangle(s): See above.
Manly Tears: We'll see some, for sure. Everyone can't survive in a horror story or a wuxia movie.
Martial Pacifist: Drunk Monkey. The Promethean. Golden Lion. Bamboo Dancer.
Master-Apprentice Chain: The Promethean and Frankenstein. Drunk Monkey and Bamboo Dancer. Hadazsp and Abraxia.
Master Swordsman: Silver Arm. Also, Golden Lion, Drunk Monkey, Bamboo Dancer and Frankenstein himself, as it turns out.
McNinja: The Promethean will bust through walls after sneaking around, but others will as well, like Bamboo Dancer.
Mentor Occupational Hazard: Frankenstein. The Promethean. Hadazsp. Drunk Monkey, even, from Bamboo Dancer.
Old Master: Drunk Monkey. Frankenstein the Undying, of course. Keddaj K'arz, the Ancient Upstart.
One-Man Army: The Promethean, without a doubt, but all the others can be as well.
The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: Frankenstein vs. Raddak vs. Rubro
The Paragon Always Rebels: Golden Lion? Bamboo Dancer?
Patriotic Fervor: For the Mythical Land of the Warrior's Forest!
A Pupil of Mine Until He Turned to Evil: Frankenstein and the Promethean believe this of each other. Abraxia? Victrix?
Pressure Point: Frankenstein. The Promethean. Drunk Monkey. Bamboo Dancer. Golden Lion. Hadazsp. Raddak. Rubro.
Pyscho Serum: Frankenstein and the Promethean both use various drugs of his design and manufacture.
Rebellious Princess: Abraxia, but also Victrix and Bamboo Dancer to some degree (all three are rebellious daughters, too).
Recursive Cross-Dressing: Bamboo Dancer.
Redshirt Army: Both the Army of Giants, who Frankenstein "repairs", and the Ghost Giants of Mars, the Zombie Angels.
Rival Turned Evil: Raddak and Rubro.
Roof Hopping: Constantly. Promethean. Bamboo Dancer. Drunk Monkey. Golden Lion. Frankenstein, even.
She-Fu: Bamboo Dancer. Victrix. Abraxia. Hadazsp. Sky-Amazons of Venus. Combat Parkour.
Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism: Ultimately idealistic, in a horrifying way.
Supernatural Martial Arts: Drunk Monkey. Bamboo Dancer. Golden Lion. Queen Hadazsp. The Promethean.
Sweet Polly Oliver: Bamboo Dancer.
Three-Point Landing: But, of course.
Training From Hell: Bamboo Dancer.
Treacherous Advisor: Rubro? Raddak? Drunk Monkey?
Tsundere: Every. Single. Woman.
Wax On, Wax Off: Bamboo Dancer.
Waif Fu: Bamboo Dancer.
Wire Fu: Everybody. Especially Drunk Monkey, Bamboo Dancer, Hadazsp, Abraxia, Sky-Amazons, Frankenstein on Mars.
World of Badass: Frankenstein Kaiju Wuxia. So, yes. Totally.
Worthy Opponent: Drunk Monkey to Promethean. Promethean to Frankenstein. Rubro/Raddak to Frankenstein. Etc.
Villain Forgot to Level Grind: Will be seen repeatedly.

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