Thursday, February 18, 2016

Major Characters

Frankenstein (The Original? 100 Years Old? Himself? Byron? Shelley?) - hero?

Nemo (Sindbad? Dread Pirate Roberts? Prince Dakkar?) - dies?

Robur (Pedro de Vargas? Phileas Fogg? Capt. Sir Hugh Tregillis?) - dies?

The Traveler (Prester John? Walking Stewart? Sherlock Holmes? The Time Traveler?) -villain?

The Wild Man (Tarzan? Korak? Tor? David Innes? John Carter? The Mucker?) - antihero?

Queen of Venus: Hadazsp, Empress of the Cloud Cities of Earth & Venus - villainess? love?

High-King: Kaddej Kh'arzh, War-Wizard of the Giant-Angels, Blue Men of Mars - antihero?

Ant-Queen: Lady Selene of the Moonfolk, Ant-Men of the Phantom Planet - big bad end boss?

Dark Stranger: Ambassador-Assassin of the Green Folk of Lilith, Neith and Volund - ?

Note: All have an obsession with longevity, reanimation, disguise, intrigue and forbidden knowledge on the bleeding edge of alchemy and science, magic and technology, metaphysics and engineering.

Note: What starts as Gothic horror mixed with Verne-esque steampunk and Wellsian scientifiction is filtered through Stevenson/Doyle penny dreadful action-adventure and transmogrified into Burroughs-like sword-and-sandal-planet-blaster interplanetary intrigue and science-fantasy-meets-space-opera, to create an alternate solar system of inhabited planets, with a shared, secret, hidden history of ancient terror, unholy monstrosities and unspeakable abominations.

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