Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Empress Hadazsp

A Brief History

Born Mid-Seventeenth Century (c. 1650 A. D.)

Probably Hispanic, Possibly Middle Eastern

Indentured Servant in Caribbean (c. 1670)

Freed During Pirate Raid on Town, Takes Up with Pirates

Operates During First Three Golden Ages of Piracy (c. 1670 - 1730)

Discovers Longevity Secrets in New World at Age of 40 (c. 1690)

Eventually Moves East to Libertatia

Operates in Indian Ocean, South Seas, Baltic and Atlantic During 18th/19th C.

Discovers Lemuria During Early 18th Century (c. 1730)

Discovers Mu Shortly Thereafter (c. 1735)

Rediscovers Ancient Airfoil Technology (c. 1740)

Discovers Great Gate of Mu, Tests Mu - Lemuria "Hop" Connection

Discovers Great Gate Connection Points:

Aerth City

Ishtar Island Gate, Zuhura

Mother Gate at Lake Island on Island Lake on the Isle of Aphrodite, Zuhura

Meets Lizard People of Zuhura (c. 1750)

Learns of the Four Timespace-Faring Peoples of the Yellow Star

Founds First Empire of Zuhura (c. 1770)

Discovers Multiple Additional Connections of the Mother Gate:

Selene City

Vesta Innerworld

Ceres Innerworld

Bahram Worldwall in the Valley of the Mariner

Hyperborean Seadome

Southern Seadome

Atalantean Avalonia

Eventually Moves 60,000 Pirates, Traders, Former Slaves and Debt Convicts to Venus

Venus = Zuhura (Swahili/Bantu name)

Learns of Airships of Robur and Submarines of Nemo, around 1865-ish

Learns of Joint Nemo/Robur "Metallic Dirigible"/Tsiolkovsky Sphere Project (1870)

Bamboo Dancer (c. 1868): Dimensional Traveler, Nemo/Robur/Frankenstein Triple Agent

Learns of Frankenstein's New Monsters - Mega-Kaiju!!! - in 1868, From SF Newspaper

Learns of Nemo/Frankenstein "Horticultural Physics" Shortly Thereafter

Decides That Nemo and Robur Must Be Stopped or Better Yet, Drafted Into the Cause

Decides That Victor von Frankenstein Must Die! (And His Tech Appropriated)

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