Thursday, May 19, 2016

Bamboo Dancer: Costume & Organism

BAMBOO DANCER wears a tight-fitting black bodysuit with small black "shoulder-pads" (above and behind her deltoids). It has a cowl which is often down, which forms a turtleneck around her neck and throat. The black bodysuit has a vertical weave vaguely suggesting Asian armor or carbon fiber. The "shoulder-pads" have a Dredd/TMNT feel. The cowl on the bodysuit can be pulled up, which forms a hood with a facemask, leaving only a slit for the eyes. This should reference Diabolik/Satanik, but even sexier and more functional.

When the hood is pulled up, she also wears goggles that fit close to the suit forming a seal. I'm thinking of a fatter. flatter version of the Giant-Man/Yellowjacket/Wonder Man googles. Kind of halfway between swimming goggles and skiing goggles, but sexier, more Kirby. She is also wearing a breathing mask. Something Ditko-ish or Kirby-esque?

When she is also "wearing" the ORGANISM, it sits like a raw egg, horizontal like an eye, above her left breast, above and to the left of her heart, like a brooch. The ORGANISM itself has five limbs that radiate out from it, wrapping around her body to form symbiotic, cybernetic structures which serve as living armor, sensing organs, limbs and weapons (teeth/talons) . Think of a mashup of Wildstar, Starro, Witchblade, Wetworks and Blue Beetle. There is a thing that clings to her upper back between her shoulder blades like a big baby bug, and another like a starfish that clings to her chest above and to the left of her heart, and the two are one entity, the alien symbiote called the ORGANISM.

Close up of the brain or eye of the ORGANISM, which looks like a large ruby (or a raw egg) inside a starfish, and sits above her left breast, like a brooch. The limbs of the starfish wrap around to become a harness, with one connection over her shoulder going to the bug-on-her-back:

Placement of the Brooch and Some Shapes:

Kirby/Giger/Haeckel/Lovecraft "Organic" Shapes:

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