Saturday, June 25, 2016

Back Cover Idea (not used)

Sibley Odenwald Jumping Inked Sketch as TOP THIRD (ghosted?)

Victor and the Skull across the MIDDLE THIRD (strong, dark)

Three Quotes below occupying LOWER THIRD (see below)


  • "I should like to think that an irate Creator
     was pointing those arrows of lightning directly at my unbowed head."

  • --George Gordon, Lord Byron

"People, chained by monotony, afraid to think, clinging to certainties...
 they live like ants."

--Bela Lugosi

"I'm... kinda already in a relationship..."

--Victor Frankenstein

NOTE: So as to evoke Sibley Odenwald as Aphrodite/Athena in the fevered brain of Victor, keeping us wondering if she really is one of "Frankenstein's Monsters", even though in the "Monster Checklist" on the inside back cover, we clearly (and cleverly) listed "NOT Sibley Odenwald"as one of the choices. She and Victor both agree that she's just a friend, and he fixed her heart. Although we again muddy the waters by showing her here, where Victor is saying he's "kinda already in a relationship". We lay the groundwork for the love triangle between Victor, Sibley and Elizabeth. Is she a creation? A clone? A sister? Whose sister? A daughter? What then is Alex? A brother? Whose brother? &c...

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