Monday, June 6, 2016

The Mechanism (clockwork octopus orrery Timespace Swimmer)

OK, I can finally envision this thing. It should be very "Postwar Steampunk Adventure Cinema" in design. Basically, it's a tiny personal starship for swimming through spacetime. That means it doesn't fit in a briefcase. Maybe it fits in a crate.

It's got to be like five or ten feet long. I imagine it like a giant squid, and the cabin of the starship is the head. Western Spy climbs inside. Maybe inside it is all Olmec/Lemuria/Mu/Moon-Folk symbols, motifs and designs, calling back Page Four. The top half of the Mechanism is this longish head, with Moon-Folk symbols inside, that Agent Lee, climbs into. The "eyes" of the giant squid are portholes, like it's an ancient submarine, made ten thousand years ago, in the time before Lemuria and Mu sank beneath the waves.

The bottom half of the thing is made up of the clockwork tentacles, which in their writhing calculate the exact trajectory, while swimming though Timespace, to properly land the pilot on an alternate Earth in another dimension.

So, it's a ten-foot tall "giant squid", made out of ancient clockwork parts, decorated in Moon-Folk symbols, that a "pilot" climbs inside, which "swims" through the Timespace Medium to seek out alternate Earths in other dimensions. I just invented it. Isn't it wonderful? Climb inside. Watch your head. Look out for the whirling orrery there, it calculates the trajectory. Stand by for launch....

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